Red Eclipse Page 5
“You’re not allowed to run away from me.” His voice had a commanding side to it. Alia nodded while biting her tongue, so she didn’t say anything. Gently, he placed her down. “Now, I have worked up an appetite.” He winked. Olsen led her into the kitchen and pulled a pan of bacon out of the oven, then set it on the table.
“What kind of eggs do you like?”
“Scrambled, please.” He nodded and quickly prepared them. Moments passed in silence except for toast popping up and eggs sizzling. The combined smell made Alia’s mouth water. One thing she would never admit; she had a tendency of forgetting to eat. Working at a hospital made it difficult to get three solid meals, some days even snacks were hard to find.
“Tell me something about yourself.” Olsen finally broke the silence.
She grabbed a slice of bacon from the plate in front of her. “What do you want to know?” Alia asked after swallowing a mouthful of the crunchy goodness.
“How about your family?” He watched her when he sat next to her. He quietly waited while he dished up their plates.
“Well... Umm...” She paused, not knowing where to begin. She didn’t like discussing her family, but knowing Olsen so far, he would drag it out of her whether she wanted it to come out or not. “My mom left me at the age of five, and I never met my dad. Actually, I take it back, he left when I was a few months old.” Alia kept her eyes on her food.
“My dad was in this group the coven didn’t like. They always changed the topic when I asked, so I stopped asking. When I was five, my mom left after she left me with my aunt. I guess she searched for my dad and never came back. To this day, I don’t know if they are alive or dead.” Alia finished her slice of bacon, then looked up at Olsen. Sympathy filled his gaze, she hated that look. She never brought up family for that reason.
“Who raised you then?”
“My Aunt Jina took me in the night my mother left.” She pushed back some of her hair and looked at the man stealing her heart. “Before I ran, I made a plan to track her down. But if I used the spell now, they would probably catch me before I would have found the answers I need.”
“Once we get this settled, we can search for her.”
“I would like that.” A light smile touched her lips. Relief washed over her, as a weight lifted off of her chest. She didn’t have this need to hide anything from Olsen. Her body screamed she could trust him.
“Well, Jina did a good job.” A tap on the door made Alia jump, her eyes scanning the room to the front door. “It’s our alpha, calm down.” Olsen stood and placed his hand on her shoulder. His calm smile helped lower her heightened state.
Olsen opened the door to a huge male, standing tall, with dark brown hair reaching his shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a rugged jaw line. He walked in with grace.
“Alia, this is the alpha, Derrick.” The alpha smiled at her. Alia stood and entered the living room.
“Hello.” Alia smiled back to Derrick.
“We need to talk,” Olsen said moving closer to Alia.
“What’s going on?” The alpha still stood. His body radiated power, she couldn’t quite look him in the eye as she took in his strong stance.
“As you know, the hunter is dead.”
“Yes, Aiden called last night. How?” Derrick asked.
“Pretty sure he tracked my scent from our scuffle and searched for me. I don’t think he suspected Alia could defend herself.”
Olsen’s face brightened up at the mention of Alia’s name. She liked the glow in his eyes. Once he was safe, she needed a plan to run. It was the working strategy she had come up with. He will be my ride; he will be safe, then I can leave him so he will no longer be in danger. Her fingers moved toward her hair again.
“Now that you’re a werewolf, can you still practice magic?” Derrick’s attention shifted toward Alia. Her body froze for a second longer than she liked. Alia didn’t want to be perceived as weak in front of Derrick.
“How did you know I was a witch?” She didn’t like how he knew about her having magical abilities. It made her stomach uneasy. You should get the hell out of here. Her eyes turned toward Olsen, and bile rose to her throat, thinking about never seeing his beautiful eyes again. Or never feeling his soft touch made her skin run cold.
“A human woman wouldn’t be able to kill a hunter without having secret talents. I can smell that you’re a newbie though.” Derrick’s face didn’t give away any emotions at all.
“I haven’t tried using magic since I was turned. I have been trying not to practice, as the seekers can sense magic. My magic—” Her voice cut out. What if I can’t perform magic anymore? Her stomach turned upside down, fear sending shivers over her skin. The slice of bacon threatened to make a reappearance on Olsen’s carpet flooring. Never being able to practice magic scared the hell out of her. She would lose everything. I will lose the only way to track my mother.
Chapter Twelve
“JUST TRY A SMALL SPELL,” Olsen said into her ear to encourage her. He saw horror in her eyes and the stench of fear, similar to rotting fruit, filled the air. Alia nodded and shook out her hands.
“Lux,” Alia whispered, while her right palm faced up. A small ball of light appeared on her hand. Olsen was happy Alia didn’t lose herself. She was the best of both magical worlds. She repeated her spell, the light disappeared. “Thank you, goddess.” Alia sighed.
“I assume something happened in your coven, since there isn’t one for miles.” Derrick spoke after a few moments of silence, making Alia’s head snap up.
“Correct,” Alia said, not meeting his eyes.
“You need to explain to me why before I can protect you.” Olsen placed his hand on her hip. She looked at him with worry in her eyes.
“What happens if you don’t agree with what I did? Will you kill me, or return me to the coven to let them kill me?”
“I doubt you have killed children. Olsen would have either killed you himself or already left with you to protect you. So sit and tell me what happened.” Derrick motioned to the other empty couch. Alia sat and Olsen relaxed next to her, grabbing her shaking hands.
Alia recounted the story about the awful night the seeker male forced himself onto her, and it made Olsen’s stomach clench. The first time he heard the story, it took every fiber of his being to stay at her side. His wolf howled at the idea of hunting down the bastards who condoned that behavior. Now he waited for her to finish the story. Once she did, silence filled the house, and he focused on Alia’s heartbeat.
“We can protect you from the seekers. I need to know how they track you.”
“It’s sort of hard to explain, but I’ll try.” Alia cleared her throat, trying to remember the lessons from her childhood. “When magic is performed, it leaves a unique footprint, like a signal, seekers can sense. Each coven has their own seekers who know what their witches feel like, so to speak. This helps with intruders, or in my case, when a witch is on the run. Most signatures can be felt up to a few hundred miles, so the closest coven would have felt me on any normal night. With the red eclipse in effect, it magnified my powers and also the signal. The magic I did last night put a large bulls-eye on this home and city.” Alia looked from Derrick to Olsen. “We can’t stay here.” Her eyes pleaded for him to understand.
“If you leave, I can’t guarantee your safety,” Derrick said, catching Alia’s attention.
“What if we leave for a week or two? Let the heat on this place die down, and then we can come back?” Olsen asked his alpha.
“Where do you plan on going?” Derrick asked, raising his brow.
“I have some cousin’s west of here in Wyoming. But I need you to help my sister and nephew.”
“I can do it. And congrats by the way.” Derrick smiled. It was rare to see the alpha happy, and Olsen was glad helping his sister brought his alpha some joy.
“Let’s get going. We have a long drive.” Olsen stood and shook Derrick’s hand. Derric
k then left and Olsen quickly packed a few outfits for himself. Alia asked to go to the hospital to get a bag from her car. Olsen didn’t like the fact she had a go-bag in her car.
Alia picked at her nails on the drive to the hospital in the quiet cab. He parked the truck by her little car. She slid down and unlocked her Honda.
I can protect her no matter what. Just need to let Paden know what is going on and get on the road. “I should talk to my sister before we leave for Wyoming.” Olsen wrapped his hands around her waist, and she leaned into his touch.
“Sounds good. Would you like me to join you?” she asked as she pulled at her large suitcase, which seemed to be stuck on the chair. She grunted as she tried to pull it free.
“Let me help you.” He fixed the problem and placed the bag in the bed of the truck next to his. “Yes. I want you to come up, if you don’t mind.” He kissed her.
“Well, I should probably quit my job.” She gave a shy smile.
“Might be for the best.” Olsen offered her his hand, and she took it. They moved through the hospital with ease. Once they reached the maternity wing, Alia seemed to vibrate next to him. Haisy burst through the door before Olsen reached for the phone to call security to open the large double doors.
“Where the hell have you been?” Haisy’s face turned red, vomit covered the front of her scrubs.
“I told you I wasn’t coming back at midnight.” Alia puffed out her chest.
“And I told you—”
Alia put her hand up and stopped Haisy in her tracks. “I quit. Now leave me the hell alone,” Alia said with a smile on her face, then walked around Haisy’s shocked, motionless form. Olsen quickly followed behind his mate.
“Hey! Paden’s been moved to room 325.” Maven called out as she bought a snack from the vending machine in the waiting room. Olsen nodded and Alia led the way to the room.
“Feel better?” Olsen asked as Alia’s shoulders started to relax.
“Extremely. She’s a worthless hag who always took advantage of me being new.” Alia reached the door marked 325 and opened it, but stopped in her tracks. Olsen turned to find a male standing in the back at the edge of Paden’s bed. It took Olsen a moment to take in the full picture.
“Perfect timing. Do close the door.” The male’s voice came out like a snake finding its prey. Alia moved forward enough for Olsen to follow, letting the door close behind them. The male stood there holding Olsen’s nephew in his grimy hands.
“Give him to his mother or I will hurt you worse than death,” Olsen growled.
“Oh, the pup will live...if Miss Alia Lyco comes with me.” The male’s eyes narrowed toward Alia. Olsen grabbed her shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Alia said in a low, but strong, voice. “Venit,” Alia called out, and the baby came flying into Alia’s arms. The male clapped his hands and looked happy. Paden sighed with relief. Olsen had a feeling the problem wouldn’t be solved until the male died.
“Very good. I’m glad to see you haven’t abandoned your magic altogether. It will make killing you more enjoyable.” He smirked.
“It was self-defense, Dean. Allen forced himself on me; I was scared.” Alia spoke through gritted teeth.
“You just needed to submit like the rest of your coven,” Dean spat the words at her. “Now, come along before I play with the mutts.” His face turned to stone. Dean began to raise his hand, but Alia beat him.
“Usque!” Alia yelled, causing Dean’s body to fly back, hitting the TV on the wall. Anger crossed his features as he flew through the air. “Grab Paden.” She turned to Olsen. He nodded once, and ran for his sister; but before he touched her, something felt off. He wasn’t able to move, his eyes moved up to meet Dean’s. He has control of my body. Oh, he will fucking die! Olsen flew through the air like Dean did, but Olsen crashed into the portable baby bed. A growl filled his chest as he tried again to grab his sister.
“Prohibere!” Alia yelled. Dean froze, with the exclusion of his facial muscles.
“Stupid girl. You can’t hold the spell.” Dean chuckled.
“I can hold it long enough to get them to safety,” Alia said. Olsen picked up Paden and moved over to Alia. He glanced at Mason, who was fast asleep in her arms. Damn, she is good.
“I’ll find you. No matter where you hide, I will track you down.”
“Good luck to you,” Alia said, lifting her arm up and causing Dean to lift off the ground. Alia lunged her body forward and Dean flew back, breaking the window, and falling to the ground. Alia put her arm down and sighed. The hand that had been holding Dean frozen shook at Alia’s side. Shock seemed to be the only word to describe Olsen’s feelings on how strong his mate was.
“We need to go. Now.” Alia turned, her face pale. Olsen opened the door, and Maven stood with her hand extended like she was about to open the door.
“What’s going on in here? I received a noise complaint.” Maven crossed her hands in front of her chest.
“Paden and Mason are going to the alpha’s house,” Olsen said.
“But she isn’t cleared,” Maven said.
“It’s for their protection,” Alia moved closer to the door. Maven thought about it for a moment, then nodded. Alia quickly grabbed a wheelchair for Paden.
“This will help get us past security.” Alia motioned for Paden to relax in the seat. Olsen gently placed his sister in the chair and pushed her down the hall, following Alia’s quick pace through the hospital. Olsen forced himself not to search for Dean and kill him right then and there. They reached his truck, Paden was still weak, so Olsen lifted her into the back seat. She kissed his cheek and whispered a thank you. Alia slid in next to her with Mason still fast asleep in her arms. How the hell did she manage to do that? Olsen tossed the wheelchair into the bed of the truck before he closed the back door.
A quick image of her holding his pup filled his mind. When she is safe from her coven, I will give her some pups of her own! He would make good on the promise, he vowed as he hopped into the truck.
The quiet ride to Derrick’s house held no other problems. Paden rested her head on Alia’s shoulder and fell asleep. Olsen kept glancing in the mirror at Alia. She in turn watched Mason. Once they reached the long gravel driveway, Paden woke up and stretched.
“Thank you for saving us, Alia.”
“Hey, I helped,” Olsen chimed in. Paden rolled her eyes.
“You’re very welcome.” Alia smiled at her. He liked seeing her beautiful face happy. Olsen stopped the truck in front of the alpha’s house. Derrick walked out to meet them.
“Is everything okay? I wasn’t expecting her until tonight,” Derrick asked when Olsen opened the door.
“Paden will need a lot of protection,” Olsen said as he hurried to his sister’s side.
“Where are you going?” Paden asked.
“I need to take Alia to Wyoming.” She nodded in his arms. As kids, they had visited their cousins and he knew going there, they would be safe. Olsen didn’t want to leave his sister alone with a newborn baby, but he also knew he couldn’t take them. He had planned on making her breakfast every morning and helping change Mason’s diapers. His only job was to help his alpha, and since there had been no problems, he would have been free. As they walked into the alpha’s house, he explained what happened at the hospital. Olsen placed Paden on a bed in one of the numerous spare bedrooms, as he finished the story.
Olsen kept glancing at Alia holding Mason. She looked happy carrying his nephew.
A sudden urge filled him. I need to make her happy, no matter what! He had been dreaming for a mate for so long, and now that he had her, he wasn’t going to let go without a fight. Alia carefully gave Paden her baby. Mason stretched, then fell back to sleep. Olsen kissed Paden’s head.
“I love you. Be safe,” Paden said quietly.
“I love you, little sister. I will be back soon.” Olsen followed Alia back out to his truck.
“I have an idea, but it’s going to take a while
to reach the final destination.” Alia scratched her neck.
“What’s that?”
“We drive the opposite way, and I’ll perform a few spells to get them off our trail, then go to Wyoming.”
He smiled. “Sounds like a plan.” He put the truck in drive.
An hour passed and Alia had fallen asleep, leaning against the window. She looked peaceful in her slumber. This time happened to be different than this morning when her dream had scared her.
“Alia, we are here.” Her eyes fluttered open, and she yawned.
“What about the plan?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes, before scanning the area.
“Yes. Once I turn on this road, it will lead us back in a loop to where we are going.”
“Are you going to tell me where in Wyoming we are heading yet?”
“Not yet.” He winked at her. “Let’s get some food, cast a spell in the bathroom, and leave.” Olsen kept his hearing on high-alert, waiting for Dean to show.
“Okay.” Alia headed straight for the bathroom. Olsen grabbed some snacks for the road. He figured it would take about six to eight hours before they reached Wyoming now. He wondered how Alia handled the stress. He understood she had been on the run for a few years now, and somehow managed to escape unharmed. Alia rejoined him after he had filled a cart with chips, crackers, and water. Her hand touched his arm, making him hard instantly. Damn. It will have to wait. He reached for beef jerky and she laughed.
“What? It’s my favorite.” He put a few bags in the cart. “Do you want anything?”
“I would like some Oreos.”
“Sounds good.” He smiled. They grabbed her cookies and checked out. They were back on the road after Olsen used the restroom. Once on the road, images of Dean with his head off his body kept him company, while Alia slept on the window. Olsen wished he had more time to come up with a plan to keep his mate safe. His wolf vibrated in anticipation for a fight.