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Red Eclipse Page 3

  “Let’s go, kid.” Olsen motioned for Ron to follow him. Aiden jumped up and followed them too.

  “Can you drive me to where he changed him?” Aiden wiggled his nose; it was his way of getting ready for his hunt.

  “Yeah, we need to hurry though.” Olsen practically pushed Ron out of Derrick’s house. Two small tasks and he could get back to his mate. His wolf purred with ideas of what they could do to Alia tonight.

  Chapter Seven


  ALIA LOOKED INTO THE bathroom mirror, then her watch. Her shift ended soon; no new mom’s had walked into the ward, and her last bit of rounds were done. Her palms were sweaty and her head pounded. Not knowing what to expect with Olsen drove her crazy for the rest of her remaining shift. The door swung open, and Maven entered the bathroom.

  “I knew I would find you here.” She locked the door behind her.

  “What are...” Maven put her hands up, stopping Alia in her tracks.

  “Listen first, and I will let you go.” Before Alia responded, Maven continued, “Olsen is a good guy and a great second-in-command, so don’t hurt him, but don’t take him away from that baby in there either. Olsen is the only father-figure he’ll have. As one woman to another, don’t get jealous of his past. Do mate with him though, because if he loses his wolf, he’ll lose everything. He won’t be able to be the second, and most of the pack will shame him.” She took a breath. “Okay, now go have fun.” She unlocked the door and left. Information overload!

  Alia tried to call out for Maven to come back and explain, but her mouth dried up. She debated her options as she opened the door. Only one logical choice filled her head, mate to save him, then run. Her only choice was to run. It had to happen, eventually. She had finally felt settled at eleven months of living in this nice town.

  She pushed down her nerves, and turned to the nurse’s station. Olsen stood there holding his nephew. His eyes shot up, meeting her gaze and sending warmth through her body. The closer she inched toward him, the harder she fought to keep her heartbeat under control.

  “That baby boy hasn’t been discharged. Where is he supposed to be?” She looked at him, trying to be strict but knew she failed horribly.

  “Paden fell asleep, so I picked him up when he started getting fussy. Is that a crime?” He raised an eyebrow. Even holding a new baby, he looked very masculine with his wide shoulders and strong jaw line dusted with red stubble.

  “No. But we have rooms for babies with sleeping moms.”

  “But his mom has me. I’m better than any room you have.” He looked down at the little boy.

  “I don’t doubt that,” she whispered to herself as she looked at the boy. Olsen’s gaze moved to her, but she didn’t look up to meet it. An image of him holding a little boy that looked a little like Alia, and a bit like Olsen, filled her mind. You will be on the run tomorrow. Don’t get your hopes up. Her heart fell a bit.

  “Sounds like Mom is ready to feed you.” Confused, she followed Olsen into Paden’s room.

  “Thank you, Olsen, for holding him.” Paden stretched her arms out and yawned. He placed the little bundle in her outstretched arms, then kissed her head.

  “Any time, little sister. Now, feed that growing boy. He will grow up strong like his uncle.” Olsen kissed Paden’s head again, and she chuckled.

  “Be good tonight, and I’ll see you in the morning.” She heard her cue to leave, so Alia turned to exit.

  “Alia, take care of my brother. He’s all I have, other than my son.” Paden called out. Alia turned to find Paden’s gaze; sorrow and strength filled her eyes.

  “I will.” Alia nodded toward her, then walked out of the room and headed for the nurse’s station to clock out. The computer took its sweet time loading, giving her time to think. This will end badly. Alia felt Olsen’s presence before she even heard his light chuckle.

  “What are you laughing at?” Not looking up to meet his eyes, she chose to stare at the frozen screen.

  “Nothing. Ready to go?” His hand brushed against her arm.

  “Once this damn computer says I’m clear, yes.” She hit the enter key, wishing it would bring up the right screen, but nothing happened.

  “Alia, are you clocking in?” Haisy asked behind her.

  Alia groaned inwardly. Not again. “Nope. I’m clocking out. Been covering Maven’s shift like you asked me to.” The screen changed to the next page. Alia’s shoulders relaxed as the page slowly loaded.

  “Well, I need you back at midnight.” Haisy’s usual stern voice was in place, making the bit of relief Alia had rapidly disappear.

  “I can’t. Over my limit.” She turned to her boss. Every other week, she had worked overtime. Alia wondered if Haisy noticed she didn’t have any other options when it came to employment.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll work it out.” The bitch turned to face a different computer.

  “No. I can’t work. I need sleep, I can’t stay up much longer. Find someone else.” Her limit of crap had surpassed the kind stage. Haisy’s body became rigid as she stood to her fullest height, only a few inches taller than Alia.

  “You will come back, or you can find another job.” Her boss moved closer to Alia, who in turn clenched her fist.

  “Isn’t that a little harsh?” Olsen’s voice broke Alia’s focus.

  “This doesn’t concern you.” Haisy glanced at Olsen. Then she did a double-take. “Why are you here?”

  “Paden is my sister, and Alia is going home with me.” He nodded toward Alia. Alia was surprised he stood up for her. She hadn’t ever had someone actually get involved for her sake.

  “I don’t care what she does, as long as she comes back at midnight.” Haisy refused to back down.

  “No.” Alia paused. “Fire me if you have to, but I’m going to get some much-needed sleep tonight. I’m done.” Alia turned to glance at the screen, the page had finally loaded on the computer, saying she could leave. “Have a great night!” With that, Alia moved past Haisy for the back door. She heard Olsen a few steps behind her, but she couldn’t convince herself to turn around. Two females approached the double doors as she pushed them open to leave the ward.

  “It’s a good thing you’re not Jewish. I heard tonight is a blood moon, an eclipse of some Jewish holiday.” A woman said to her friend as they moved toward the maternity ward. The pregnant woman shook her head.

  “You’re so paranoid.” The pregnant woman rubbed her swollen belly. Horror filled Alia’s body. Her mother’s voice echoed in her head. Every eclipse and blood moon, your powers are magnified by two. Alia’s feet carried her a little faster. Blood pounded in her ears, the exit doors were up ahead. Alia tried to calm herself a bit, but as she pushed the door open, her head snapped up. The sun rested high in the sky, yet so close to dusk. A few hours of daylight still lingered. Every year, the red eclipse would happen and she looked forward to it; but this year, if she happened to cast even a small spell, it would send up a huge red flag to any seeker.

  “What’s wrong?” Olsen placed his large hand on her shoulder, making her jump a little.

  “Nothing. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.” She had said it to avoid his question, but her stomach growled in agreement.

  “All right. What are you wanting?”

  “Burgers and fries.” She paused. “Oh, and a milk shake.”

  He chuckled. “I know where we can get that.”

  Alia followed him to his large truck and climbed in. The F150 super cab looked sleek with its black body shining in the sunlight. She kept her eyes glued to the front window, even though at every stop she felt Olsen’s gaze on her, but she never turned. He messed with the dials and Saving Able’s “Addicted” blared through the speakers. Relaxing a bit, she let her head nod to the beat.

  “What kind of music do you like?” Olsen asked after the chorus. Alia let her gaze finally move to Olsen, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel.

  “Mostly country, but I’m open to other genres. What about you?�

  “Rock-and-roll. My sister loves country music.” He turned into a burger place, and waited in the line for the drive-thru. “Are you allergic to anything?”

  “Nope. Not a fan of onions though.”

  “Got it.” He ordered two large fries and two cheeseburgers with no onions, and once the food entered the truck, her mouth watered. He handed her a strawberry shake, and she took a large gulp of the yummy goodness.

  “Oh, yes.” She sighed, and Olsen chuckled as he pulled away from the window.

  “Moaning from a shake...interesting.”

  “Hey! I haven’t eaten a real meal since midnight this morning. Way too long for me. I’m glad you don’t need magical assistance, because I would be almost useless.” She placed her hand over her mouth.

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Thank you.” Come on Alia, pull yourself together. Once they reached a small white house with a large front door, he turned off the truck.

  “Let’s eat.” Alia looked over at Olsen, a large wolfish smile covered his face.

  Mate, then run! You can do this.

  Chapter Eight


  ALIA SCARF DOWN HER food without uttering a word while she rested on his couch. After she popped the last fry in her mouth, she smiled at him. He liked the way she bit her lip while grinning. The urge to lean over and kiss her consumed Olsen, yet he knew she needed to talk first.

  “Sorry. You wanted to talk.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin.

  “Yes, but first, do you have any questions about werewolves? I know the magical communities talk, but normally stick to their own.”

  “Just one question. How does the imprint bond really work?” Her fingers moved through her hair.

  “Well, you have two options now. You can walk away, the bond fades, and my wolf side disappears forever. Or we mate, completing the bond, and enjoy each others company forever.” He paused as her eyes scanned his body. “I’m leaning toward option two.” Olsen had never been so nervous in his life, but he wasn’t going to show her that. He pulled from his years of training and put on his best calm and relaxed face. After so many battles for his pack, he understood the need for a calm façade.

  “I barely know you.” Her fingers faltered at the top of her braid.

  Olsen moved closer to her on the couch. Her body stiffened for a second, then relaxed. His jaw clenched, he didn’t want her to be scared of him. Olsen carefully placed his arm on the back of the couch to open up his body toward her. Alia’s shoulders relaxed as she let out a shallow breath.

  “I would never hurt you, Alia,” Olsen said. Her eyes searched his, and she watched him for a few moments. He patiently waited for her to nod. She pushed some of her hair behind her ear. A deep pull to mark her filled Olsen, a bite from a werewolf made sure everyone knew she belonged to him.

  “What happens if you get to know me and you don’t like my past?” She swallowed hard. “I’m a woman on the run.”

  Olsen didn’t have to think about it for more than a second. He would do anything to not be empty anymore. To find someone to love and care for was what he had been searching for over the last few years. “Then I will protect you.”

  “How can you protect me?” Alia asked. Her eyes almost pleading for him to hold her and protect her from whatever demons she ran from.

  “I’m a strong werewolf. I can keep you safe.”

  “We can talk about it later, I guess.” Alia’s fingers still played with her hair.

  “We can get to know each other after. I have never seen an imprint fail to bring two people closer, if that reassures you.” He inched toward her, she didn’t move, only encouraging him more. Her hands moved away from her hair, making it fall over her shoulders to frame her beautiful face.

  “I’m going to kiss you, unless you don’t want me to. Tell me what you want.” She nibbled on her lip and nodded yes. He wrapped his hand around her neck, his fingers laced in her soft hair as he leaned forward. Once his lips met hers, the resistance ended. She kissed him back with purpose. Her hands moved into his hair, making his cock harden.

  With her so close, it made it hard for Olsen to think. He had kissed females before, but never had the world faded away like it did then. He wanted to know every inch of her body. To find every single spot that made her moan and memorize every curve of her beautiful figure. From her long golden locks to her piercing blue eyes, he knew he was one lucky man to find a gorgeous mate. He never wanted to let her go.

  Her hands wrapped around his back and neck, pulling him closer. He grabbed her hips, lifting her up without removing his lips from hers. He moved swiftly and with purpose into his room to place her on his bed. His idea of going slow vanished the moment she looked up at him. He only broke away to glance at her gorgeous body, which made his cock pound under his jeans.

  “If the rumors are true that you guys like to destroy clothes, please don’t destroy mine,” she said as she pulled off her top. Her pink lace bra barely covered her plump breasts.

  “I like this bra.” He yanked off her pants and tossed it to the floor. He admired her white cotton panties, slowly memorizing every single curve she possessed. She motioned for him to come closer, he listened, but only after removing his shirt and pants with haste. A small gasp escaped her plump lips. He met her eyes to see lust filling them.

  Olsen closed the gap between their bodies, and placed his lips on hers once more. Not wanting to let her change her mind, he unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to her lap. He tossed the piece of fabric on the floor and her hands moved to his boxers. Her fingertips grazed over his hard-on under the cotton fabric. He grabbed her hips tightly, and moved her back further onto his bed.

  “You’re mine,” he growled as he yanked the small piece of fabric covering her waist. Her eyes flashed down to his own waist and she muttered a few words. A sudden breeze hit his cock, and he looked down to see his boxers had vanished.

  “I have my own tricks,” she whispered. “Now, get in me before I change my mind.”

  He placed his cock at her wet entrance. Slowly, he inched into her tight core; he wanted to take his time with her. She rocked her hips to meet him, and every thought of going slow flew away. She tilted her head back and moaned. A low growl rumbled through Olsen’s chest. Damn she feels amazing. Her hands roamed over his body, sending him into a frenzy. Olsen gripped her hips tight while he pumped deep and fast. His wolf wouldn’t let him slow down, he needed to complete the bond as much as he needed his next breath.

  “Yes,” she moaned. Her hands gripped his arms, fingernails digging into his flesh. He pumped deep and fast into her, causing a twinge in his lower back. Pleasure rolled over his body with every moan and groan she let loose. A pull deep in his body urged him on. He continued his punishing pace until he felt his balls tighten as his orgasm inched closer. Alia screamed as her walls collapsed onto his cock, sending him over the edge. His mouth came down onto her shoulder, making Alia’s body shake under him. The imprint bond completed with an electric shock passing through their bodies.

  Yes! I have one sexy mate, and now I won’t lose my wolf.

  “Now, this time, I’m going to memorize your sweet little body.” His cock hardened inside of her. Her eyes widened with excitement.

  “I think I like the sound of that.” She leaned up and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, bringing him down for a kiss. The moment his lips met hers, she bucked her hips, sending sweet pleasure through his body.

  That’s my girl.

  Chapter Nine


  ALIA’S BODY WAS IN heaven as bliss rolled over her skin from her last orgasm. It went through her veins and excited every fiber of her being. She had never been so open to any man like this, which in turn, made her feel vulnerable. Alia pushed down her worry as Olsen’s cock hardened for the third time in the last hour or two; she had completely lost track of time. Her shoulder burned from Olsen biting her, but it didn’t bother her much. She had no idea
how the man actually kept going, and she wasn’t going to complain.

  He flipped Alia onto her stomach before entering her from behind. She thought she was completely satisfied until he thrust deep inside of her again. The need to orgasm another time took over her body, but this round, Olsen didn’t go hard and fast like before. He gently pumped in and out letting every inch of his cock fill her.

  “You’re mine and I don’t share,” he whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. A deep connection between Olsen and Alia wrapped around Alia’s heart. Olsen’s hand dug into her hip, bringing her back to reality. One of his hands flicked across her nipple, sending pleasure through her body.

  His big hand wrapped around her breast, causing her to moan. Alia threw her head back. Olsen nibbled on her exposed neck, pushing her closer to her next climax. She bit her lip as his sharp teeth dug into her sensitive flesh; it rode the line between pleasure and pain. He picked up his pace, and she took every punishing thrust, wanting more. His hand on her breast squeezed tighter. The pleasure coursed through her body. All the desire exploded under her skin. Her orgasm took over, making her whole body fall apart at the seams. His cock pounded as he released his seed inside her.

  “You’re amazing.” He gasped as he collapsed onto the bed. Exhaustion hit her as well, and she fell onto Olsen’s sweaty body. Her head found the perfect place on his toned chest, like it was made for her. His muscles had enough give to be comfortable, but they were also firm, showing off his strength.

  Thoughts of running away filled the back of her mind. She wanted to lay in his bed forever. He feels so good. What if I can’t leave him?

  All her body wanted to do was sleep on Olsen and deal with all of her problems tomorrow. I should leave after he falls asleep. The idea crossed her mind, but she pushed it down. I need a night where I can be happy. Her eyes fluttered closed while she focused on Olsen’s heartbeat, it slowed down and his breathing returned to normal. His fingers grazed her back, letting her relax even more. Moments passed in silence, Alia enjoyed the way he comforted her.